Loss of Appetite in Seniors

Loss of Appetite in Seniors – How it Relates to Illness

There are many reasons for the loss of appetite in seniors. Appetite is considered an essential indicator of health. When we get sick, we often lose our appetite. This is a normal reaction to illness that occurs on both the conscious and subconscious levels. We do this to raise our immune system to fight infection and disease. Loss of appetite is one of the most common symptoms of illness in the elderly. If a senior…

Eldercise - Making Physical Health Accessible to Seniors

Eldercise – Making Physical Health Accessible to the Elderly

We often overlook physical health for seniors. We must continue making physical health accessible to the elderly so they can remain independent and active as long as possible. Everyone has heard “a body in motion stays in motion” when referring to physical health. However, aging often brings obstacles that impede our ability to maintain our strength, balance, and coordination. Whether you’ve had a recent injury or have just found yourself inactive, maintaining physical health is…

How to Keep Seniors Hydrated During a Heatwave

How to Keep Seniors Hydrated During a Heatwave

It’s important to know how to keep seniors hydrated. Dehydration is something that can be dangerous or even life-threatening at any age. However, as we age, our risk for complications relating to dehydration increase exponentially. Many factors could contribute to seniors’ tendency to dehydrate more quickly than when they were younger. As we age, our body’s water composition lessens as muscle mass shrinks and fat replaces it. Muscle is comprised of about 80% water and…

Heat Stress in Seniors - What is It and How to Prevent It

Heat Stress in Seniors – What It Is and How to Prevent It

Heat stress in seniors is real.  Heat emergencies and heat-related illnesses can happen to any age group, but seniors are more susceptible to their decreased ability to self-regulate body temperature.  The summer heat can bring on several health risks for seniors with Alzheimer’s Disease, including dehydration and heat exhaustion. This is because the body becomes more sensitive to hot temperatures during the disease process as it tries to cope with changes in memory and cognition. …

Health Benefits of Being Outdoor for Seniors

17 Health Benefits of Being Outdoors for Seniors

When you think of being outdoors, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Maybe you imagine being in a park, getting some fresh air, or being on vacation. However, some people don’t think about the health benefits of being outside for seniors. The outdoors are being called “the new seniors’ gym” by researchers. Spending more time outside not only helps senior health – it may even be the key to a long life!…

Using Exercise and Balance to Prevent Senior Falls

Regular exercise is a critical part of preventing senior falls. Not only does it strengthen the muscles, but also improves balance. As we age, we lose sensory elements such as sight, hearing, and even taste. Balance is among the most common reasons seniors consult their doctors. Due to arthritis, musculoskeletal atrophy, and the balance receptors in your ears weakening, falls are a threat to our seniors’ health. One in four adults over 65 fall each…