Healthy Eating Programs for Seniors

10 Top Healthy Eating Programs for Seniors

Healthy eating has become the fashion for many 21st-century men and women. Choosing healthy eating programs for seniors is vital to aging bodies. Seniors need foods that will boost their immune systems, provide fiber, and increase their energy is a goal so many have committed to reach.Determining a plan that suits seniors lifestyles is easy since there are currently so many choices available. Depending on their health and what they like to eat, they can…

Get Active

6 Essential Steps To Aging Well

  If you want to age well, there are certain things you can do. It requires focus in all areas of your life. Here are six essential steps to aging well.   1. Get Active As you age, your metabolism will begin to slow down. Being active will help to keep your metabolism revved up. You start to lose muscle mass as you age, so resistance workouts are beneficial. Exercise is not only beneficial for…

Health Benefits of Olive Oil

Health Benefits of Olive Oil

There are multiple health benefits of olive oil. Its use dates back centuries, and it is used for health and beauty today. How do you use olive oil? If you’re only cooking with it, you’re missing out on some great benefits. Olive oil has been used to anoint the champions of ancient Olympic Games and even played a role in Cleopatra’s cosmetic kit. The ancients understood olive oil’s healing properties and their effects on both the…

Pneumonia in Elderly - What Every Family Member Should Know

Pneumonia in Elderly – What Every Family Member Should Know

 Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. Pneumonia in elderly adults is one of the major causes of death in the United States. It often arises after a complication of influenza. As a matter of fact, it was the leading cause of death in the U.S over two centuries ago.Over four million people get pneumonia each year in the U.S., and if you are over 65, you are at a higher risk of getting pneumonia.Pneumonia…

The Connection Between Acidity, Aging and Disease

  Acidity, aging, and disease often go hand-in-hand. Once the body is out of balance and too acidic, there are often medical issues that follow. Many people are not aware of exactly how closely linked our aging process is with the diseases that we acquire. Not only do these illnesses cause us to age as a result of breaking down our body but they also happen because of the same general problems. Even if you…

8 Useful Facts You Should Know About Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  Let me start out by saying that Omega-3 fatty acids are ideal for seniors under Alzheimer’s care. According to WebMD, it can help slow the decline of memory loss in Alzheimer’s, and possibly prevent memory loss. Most of the time, it is good to avoid fat in foods. However, omega-3 fatty acids are the exception. Instead of causing harm, they bring good health benefits. Here are eight useful facts that you should know about…