How to Help Seniors Maintain Independence

How to Help Seniors Maintain Their Independence

Families should always plan on how to help seniors maintain their independence while under their care. Whether family members modify their home, find temporary caregivers, or take full responsibility for an elderly loved one’s needs, an independent senior is a happy one. One of the biggest fears of most seniors is that one day they will have to live a life that is not independent. If you are getting older, the best way to ensure…

Depression in the Elderly

Depression in the Elderly – Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

  Depression in the elderly is often written about but occasionally forgotten by many. It’s considered a sign of getting older, but the facts are that depression strikes people of all ages. Unfortunately, it’s the elderly, who often suffer quietly and need special attention.Depression affects approximately 19 million Americans each year. That means that about nine and a half percent of the U.S. adult population has some form of depression disorder. Women are affected almost…

What You Should Know About Senior Health

Senior Wellness Guide Here are some examples of what you should know about senior health. As we age, we have a tendency to place health and fitness on the back burner. We know we should stay healthy, begin living a sedentary lifestyle. Weak bones and muscles no longer stabilize our bodies, and our internal organs stop functioning properly. Health means wealth, and older we get, our health is worth more than gold. There are multiple…

Healthy Eating Programs for Seniors

10 Top Healthy Eating Programs for Seniors

Healthy eating has become the fashion for many 21st-century men and women. Choosing healthy eating programs for seniors is vital to aging bodies. Seniors need foods that will boost their immune systems, provide fiber, and increase their energy is a goal so many have committed to reach.Determining a plan that suits seniors lifestyles is easy since there are currently so many choices available. Depending on their health and what they like to eat, they can…

Cognitive Dysfunction and Your Dog

Cognitive Dysfunction in Dogs – Symptoms are Common with Alzheimer’s Disease

Cognitive dysfunction in dogs are real. As veterinary medicine improves so pets are living longer and many dogs now live well into their teens. However, with increased age comes a greater chance of acquiring cognitive dysfunction. To a large extent the words “cognitive dysfunction” are interchangeable with “senility” and the symptoms have a lot in common with Alzheimer’s disease. Does My Dog have Cognitive Dysfunction? Around 50% of dogs over the age of 10-years old…

How long can seniors stay at home

How Long Can Seniors Stay in Their Own Homes

  How long can seniors stay in their own homes? This is a question that both seniors and their families would like to know. When seniors can stay at home for the rest of their lives, it would be the best that they or anyone else could hope for. There are some seniors, who are able to live to a very old age and some go to other care facilities. However, to determine how long…