Get Active

6 Essential Steps To Aging Well

  If you want to age well, there are certain things you can do. It requires focus in all areas of your life. Here are six essential steps to aging well.   1. Get Active As you age, your metabolism will begin to slow down. Being active will help to keep your metabolism revved up. You start to lose muscle mass as you age, so resistance workouts are beneficial. Exercise is not only beneficial for…

Set Goals for Your Talk

Having the Talk – 5 Tips for Discussing Your Aging Parents Future

  Discussing your aging parents future while they are still healthy allows you to better understand their wishes. Doing it later might cause complications between you and your parents, as well as other family members. As your parents get older, it’s important to discuss the future with them. If you’re like many adult children, though, you dread having “the talk.” It’s never any fun to talk with an aging parent about the possibility that they…

Lack of Sleep and Dementia

How a Lack of Sleep May Cause Alzheimer's Disease

  There is scientific evidence that a lack of sleep may cause Alzheimer’s disease. Sleep is a natural part of human biological processes, but many people find that getting a good night’s sleep is a challenge in today’s hectic world. Juggling schedules, working late into the evening, and surrendering to the lure of internet communications can conspire to prevent relaxation necessary for normal sleep cycles. Chronic lack of proper sleep can lead to a broad…

Outdoor Activities for Seniors

Outdoor Activities for Seniors with Dementia – 7 Fun Ideas

  Feeling the warmth of the sun on the skin, hearing the sound of chirping birds, or breathing in fresh air is beneficial for all of us. Therefore, outdoor activities for seniors with dementia helps their mental and physical health.   Safety First   Your loved one’s safety should be your number one concern. Always ensure that you or someone else you trust is there to supervise any planned activities. In warm climates, make sure…

Music Therapy for Seniors

Music Therapy is Helping People with Alzheimer's and Dementia

  Music therapy is helping seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia every day. No one knows the origin of music, but it is believed to have existed before documented history. Historians believe it began from the noise of thunder, or the rhythm of a flowing stream. Human music might have started with primitive males attempting to simulate these noises by repeating the sounds and tonality. Even at present, distinct cultures make use of music that mimics…

What is a Stroke

What is a Stroke – Learn About Reducing the Risks

 What is a stroke? Although, most of us have seen someone with a stroke, some people are still confused about what it is.Nearly 800,000 people fall victim to strokes in the United States each year.  A stroke occurs every 40 seconds.  As the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S., strokes occur in approximately 1 out of every 6 people. Knowing the signs of a stroke as well as acting swiftly when one occurs…