Depression in senior citizens can often lead to long periods of isolation and even suicide if seniors are left untreated.
According to the World Health Organization, around 350 million people around the world suffer from some form of depression. Nearly three quarters of people with depression never seek any treatment, and many seniors can have depression for up to a year before it is even recognized or diagnosed.
Depression in Senior Citizens – What Causes Depression
• Biological – Abnormalities in the brain are often linked to seniors and depression. If the serotonin levels are imbalanced, or if the brain isn’t producing enough dopamine, then it can often lead to depression in seniors.
• Types of Medication – Different types of prescription medicines can also alter the chemicals in the brain and cause depression. You should let your doctor know what types of medication your elderly loved one is taking. You can provide doctors this info, in case an elderly patient isn’t capable of providing it.
• Genes – There are also genetic reasons behind some forms of depression. Family members should take note if there is a family history of depression, and let their physician know.
Depression in Senior Citizens – Depression Tips for Seniors
Here is a list of tips to help with depression and the elderly. This can assist them in moving through the stages of recovery:
• See a Doctor – Too many seniors put off going to the doctor, and their family just write off some of the symptoms of an elderly family member as being caused by old age. Getting old does not mean that a person will have depression, and it is not a guarantee that they will have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. However, you should take every warning sign seriously.
• Personality Changes – Be on the lookout for changes in personality. A senior with depression might become easily agitated and irritable. The slightest provocation could even make them become violent.
• Balanced Diet – Research has shown that there is a relationship between seniors eating habits and depression. Keeping seniors body fueled with good wholesome foods is one way to fight off depression. A good diet helps a person stay healthy, which makes them feel better.
• Medication – Make sure that the medication they are taking for depression isn’t making them feel worse. Some medicine has many side effects, and if it is giving your senior loved one other medical complications, their doctor will need to decrease their dosage, or prescribe another medicine.
In addition, make sure that you are given medicine that you can afford. Find out what your medical insurance plan will pay for, or you can purchase at a reduced price.
• Support – Seniors can reduce their depression with the direct support of friends and family. Friends and family can be the eyes and ears for many senior patients.
They can help observe patients, and see when they are refusing to eat, or have any other abnormal behavior. They can also see if their loved ones are losing interest in hobbies that they have always enjoyed. These are all signs of depression, and a doctor should be notified immediately.
• Further Education – All seniors and their family should educate themselves about depression. It could help them detect it sooner. Even when depression goes away, it can return without warning. By staying educated, you can help your loved one get the medical treatment they need much sooner.
Depression in Senior Citizens – Conclusion
You should learn all you can about depression in the elderly population. By following the tips in this article, you can help them reduce the suffering, and see that they get proper medication and therapy.