The reasons of mood swings are many. The brain is usually affected from trauma, substance abuse, or deterioration of cognitive ability. Similar symptoms can also be caused by lung disease, or it can be the sign of an imminent stroke.
When the elderly are affected, the diagnosis can become more complicated because of the numerous possibilities of illnesses and failing general health. Therefore, we can learn about what causes mood swings to understand the complexities of these symptoms. Doctors must take all of these symptoms and eventually determine what the illness is. That is not an easy task.
5 Reasons of Mood Swings
First of all, if you notice your loved ones having mood swings all of the time, it’s best to contact their medical professional so they can be better monitored. The conditions he or she is suffering might be temporary, or they might be the beginning of something more serious.
1. Fear – It is well documented that mood swings, difficulty in relaxing, and feeling irritable are all related to the symptoms of standard anxiety disorders. Approximately five million people in the United States are affected by anxiety disorders, and the symptoms can vary.
2. Bipolar Disorder – Also known as manic depression, bipolar disorder causes people to go through extreme mood swings. Sufferers can be elated one moment, then sad, angry, and can even have bouts of crying.
Bipolar disorder is labeled as a group of various altering mood disorders that make sufferers move between different moods. The swing can be gradual or rapid and sever. It makes it complicated for anyone who has it to live a healthy life. It affects the behavior, and energy levels of those who have it. It is also known that women suffer more than men.
3. Borderline Personality Disorder – borderline personality disorder, or (BPD), is another disease that affects how seniors feel. When the symptoms are very active, they can have very long lasting effects.
The problem with diagnosing borderline personality disorder is that the symptoms mimic many other medical conditions.
Some of the symptoms are similar to bipolar disorder, except for the fact that they only usually last for a couple of hours at a time. In addition, conditions can change from one moment to the next, and those who suffer are very impulsive to serious issues.
4. Dementia – Dementia causes sharp mood swings, too. In addition, it inhibits a senior’s ability to think and reason. Alzheimer’s disease, which is a form of dementia, is one of the most common.
5. Medications and Substance Abuse – There are many drugs that can cause changes in the way someone feels. If seniors are taking a lot of medication, it’s possible that these swings are caused by chemical changes in the brain. Probably one of the most common forms of substance abuse in seniors is caused by alcohol.
The reasons of mood swings are broad. What makes it more complicated is these are symptoms in numerous medical conditions. What remains important is that seniors are checked and monitored to be able to determine what is wrong with them.
Now that you understand a little more about the reasons of mood swings, learn more about other senior related issues, by visiting ============>>> Applewood Our House