Fishing at Applewood Our House

Part 1 – Diagnosed with Dementia an Overview – Guide by Applewood Our House Assisted Living Memory Care

A Family’s Guide to Alzheimer’s and Dementia Our Guide is intended for anyone who would like to learn more about this disease and related diseases. As well as people diagnosed with dementia. At Applewood Our House we understand that there are few conditions upon first diagnosis that strike such terror into loved ones and relatives as Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. The diagnosis can provoke feelings of helplessness and despair, coupled with fear that your loved…

Applewood Our House is Celebrating a Decade of Care

From our vision in 2010 we feel very fortunate to have cared for many elders during this time.  Growing from 1 Home in 2010 to 5 by 2020.  Our Care Team is full of hugs and care and love our residents until the end. See our 10 years of service in our 5 homes…  View our Decade of Applewood Our House Thank you to so many of our families, community providers, residents and Care professionals…

Assisted Living Support Groups

How to Find an Assisted Living and Memory Care Facility That is Right for You

  Eloise began trying to find an assisted living and memory care home seven years ago. She knew something wasn’t right with her husband, Leonard, a 67-year-old retired school teacher, began repeating the same stories. He also asked Eloise the same questions that she answered multiple times before. The breaking point came when received a call from the Illinois State Police that they found her husband walking along the side of Interstate I-55. He was…

Activities at Applewood Our House

Senior Care – 7 Services Most Seniors Will Eventually Need

  For professional senior care, you require a reliable, experienced, and dedicated service for the elderly. There are In-home services for seniors who want to remain at home, up to nursing homes for those who require 24-7 care. When the time comes for a senior to need additional care services in their home or an assisted living community, you will have the option of hiring a senior home care agency to provide the services or…

Helping Seniors with Dementia

Helping Seniors with Dementia – 5 Tips for Family Caregivers

Helping seniors with dementia can become a full-time job for family members. When that happens, it will require a lot of organization, loving care, and patience. It is a sad fact of life that seniors are likely to be affected by Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia at some stage during their retirement. When they do, they are going to usually depend on some of the same people they have cared for most of their…

Medical Services for Seniors

Free or Discounted Medical Services for Seniors

Free or discounted medical services for seniors can come in handy. It might be the difference between your elderly loved one getting help, or the possibility of not being able to afford the treatment that they need, The cost of medical bills and prescriptions skyrocket every year. If you don’t have insurance or are underinsured you can quickly rack up medical expenses that you have no way to pay. There are a lot of options…