What are Alzheimer's and Dementia

Coping With Caregiver Grief and Alzheimer’s Disease

Coping with caregiver grief is something that most people will deal with when their loved ones have Alzheimer’s disease or any other type of dementia. How will it feel when the person you have loved so many years is no longer the same? What will you do when it seems like you are talking to a stranger, and that person no longer recognizes who you are? Anyone with Alzheimer’s suffers in silence. Yet, caregivers can…

Stages of Alzheimer's Disease

Dementia – A Gradual Slow Walk to Brain Demise

Dementia can be defined as gradual memory loss. People who have it begin having problems with reasoning and their ability to think. In addition to the memory, it can lead to a decline in the capacity to function physically. Although, there are various forms of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type known to families around the world. Researchers are always looking to find cures, but in the meantime, they are also developing better…

Best Memory Tricks

20 Easy Ways to Boost Your Memory – Mind Tricks to Help Seniors Remember

If you or one of your loved ones are getting older, you are probably interested in ways to boost your memory or theirs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, memory loss is usually one of the first signals of other cognitive impairment or decline. Our memory is very important to us. We need our memory to recollect essential parts from our past, whether they occurred a couple of seconds earlier, or years…

Principles for a Dignified Diagnosis

Principles for a Dignified Diagnosis The first statement of its kind written by people with dementia on the subject of the Alzheimer’s diagnosis experience. Talk to me directly, the person with dementia I am the person with the disease, and though those close to me will also be affected, I am the person who needs to know first. Tell the truth Even if you don’t have all the answers, be honest about what you do…

Person Centered Care – A Perfect Way to Treat Alzheimer's and Other Dementia

  Person Centered Care – A Perfect Way to Treat Alzheimer’s and Other Dementia   Person-centered care is a system and philosophy that looks at each individual and helps caregivers to come up with a better way to treat Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. The simple reasoning is that everyone, including the elderly, deserve dignity and the utmost respect. Probably one of the biggest problems with various forms of dementia is communication. Seniors with these symptoms…

Alzheimer’s Care-giving: Is it Time to Ask for Help?

Alzheimer’s Care-giving: Is it Time to Ask for Help? Alzheimer’s care-giving is tough for anyone who attempts it. You must learn to be true to the person you are caring for, and you must be true to yourself. There might come a time when the caring that you provide is just not enough. You should never feel too proud to ask for some additional assistance. The question is when is it time to ask for…