Facts About Omega 3 Fatty Acids

8 Useful Facts You Should Know About Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  Let me start out by saying that Omega-3 fatty acids are ideal for seniors under Alzheimer’s care. According to WebMD, it can help slow the decline of memory loss in Alzheimer’s, and possibly prevent memory loss. Most of the time, it is good to avoid fat in foods. However, omega-3 fatty acids are the exception. Instead of causing harm, they bring good health benefits. Here are eight useful facts that you should know about…

Personalized Care for Alzheimer's Disease

Understanding the Stages of Alzheimer's Disease

The Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease There are different stages of Alzheimer’s disease. It is important for families to understand the symptoms to get early treatment. It takes time for doctors to make the right diagnosis. If someone you know or love has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, you’ll need to understand how the disease advances over time. Alzheimer’s is a progressive brain disease which causes gradual impairment of the patient’s memory and ability to think.…

How to Communicate with Dementia Patients

How to Communicate with Dementia Patients – Speaking Dementia

Many caregivers are faced with the issue of how to communicate with dementia patients. As the elderly continue to grow older, the possibility of having a family member who develops dementia becomes a reality for many people.   How to Communicate with Dementia Patients   Dementia sufferers can have a language of their own at times, and how to interact with dementia patients becomes the issue. Loved ones become frustrated, because they are trying to correct the behavior…

Looking for Signs of Dementia

Alzheimer’s and Dementia – Knowing the Facts vs. the Myths

Did you know that 50 to 80 percent of dementia patients suffer from Alzheimer’s disease? Alzheimer’s affects a person’s ability to think clearly and remember how to do daily tasks, and it can change the person’s behavior; such as increased depression, withdrawal from social activities and cases of paranoia. The Alzheimer’s Association is a trusted and reliable source of up to date information; education for caregivers and support for the entire family. Research is continuous,…

Validation Therapy – A Kinder Way to Deal with Dementia

Validation Therapy – A Kinder Way to Deal with Dementia

For caregivers dealing with dementia and other cognitive impairments, Validation Therapy is a kind and gentle approach. According to Fiona Gibson, whose mother is suffering from Alzheimer’s: “At the time, I had never heard of Validation Therapy, a ground-breaking approach which says instead of trying to bring a loved one back to reality, instead you should try and enter into the sufferer’s world instead. Developed in the US by academic … Read More of This Story…

Senior Caregivers

Coping With Caregiver Grief and Alzheimer’s Disease

Coping with caregiver grief is something that most people will deal with when their loved ones have Alzheimer’s disease or any other type of dementia. How will it feel when the person you have loved so many years is no longer the same? What will you do when it seems like you are talking to a stranger, and that person no longer recognizes who you are? Anyone with Alzheimer’s suffers in silence. Yet, caregivers can…