High Elevation Research

7 Ways to Turn Around Negative Thinking in the Elderly

  Negative thinking is the state of mind in which seniors anticipate undesirable outcomes, or believe that hardships and evils outweigh the good. This type of thinking is one that does not benefit them and usually has a negative impact on their lives contributing to stress, depression and anxiety. This thinking has the following effects: 1. It will often work against the elderly and makes them not achieve what they want 2. It makes them…

Financial Solutions at Applewood Our House

Cost of Assisted Living Care for Seniors

  The cost of assisted living care for seniors is on the rise. Each year there are more seniors living in the United States, and they accumulate medical costs that were unheard of decades ago. Assisted living provides services for seniors that are not as restricting as a nursing home, but provides much more medical assistance than home care. Many seniors have to choose between staying in a nursing facility, assisted living facility, personal care…

Moving to an assisted living facility

Tips for Persuading a Parent to Move to an Assisted Living Facility

Getting a parent to move to an assisted living facility is generally not an easy task. Naturally, people want to stay in their homes as long as they can, so your mother or father is not likely going to be happy with the idea of going to what they like perceive as an “old folk’s home.” However, there are a few tips to keep in mind that may make the idea of living in a…

How to talk to seniors about assisted living

How to Talk to Seniors About Assisted Living

  If you want to know how to talk to seniors about assisted living, it requires that your loved ones understand what it is, and what they gain from it. Assisted living refers to housing that provides nursing care and housekeeping for the elderly or disabled. This usually provides an outstanding service for senior citizens, but it usually requires some convincing. Seniors may not see the purpose of such facilities, and might refuse to go.…

11 Signs It's Time for Assisted Living

  In this article, we will discuss 11 signs it’s time for assisted living for your loved one. When you are taking care of a family, there might come a time when you need a helping hand. Caring can become a full time job, and the mental and physical responsibilities can become overbearing. In addition, you also need to think about senior’s safety, and ask yourself if they are getting the proper medical care that…

Friends at Applewood Our House

I wanted to say thank you so much for taking such wonderful care of my dad, Dwayne.  I still remember meeting Cheryl  for the first time and sitting on the bench to explain our family story.  I knew immediately that Applewood was the place for him.  It was a difficult transition for him and me, but I knew he was in the best possible place.  Your staff was so caring and compassionate. They treated him…