Financial Solutions at Applewood Our House

Cost of Assisted Living Care for Seniors

  The cost of assisted living care for seniors is on the rise. Each year there are more seniors living in the United States, and they accumulate medical costs that were unheard of decades ago. Assisted living provides services for seniors that are not as restricting as a nursing home, but provides much more medical assistance than home care. Many seniors have to choose between staying in a nursing facility, assisted living facility, personal care…

Applewood Our House – Living Today – Where New Memories Begin

  Applewood Our House, a residential memory care home specializing in Alzheimer’s and dementia,  remains totally focused on the task of providing top-notch, quality service to all of our residents. The same high standard treatment is given to seniors who are in the early stages of their illness, and to those with more advanced symptoms. Our job is to provide long-term professional treatment, and always focus on allowing seniors to enjoy the moment. Each day…