Several years ago, were lucky enough to celebrate a wonderful 100th birthday with Helen and her daughter Shirley at Applewood Our House in Golden, CO.
It was an amazing celebration of a life well lived and caused us to do some reflection on what it REALLY means to turn 100!
You might not know this, but centenarians are the fastest growing population group in the world.
There are approximately 722,000 centenarians living in the world today, and as of 2024, there were roughly 108,000 seniors who are 100 years old or more in the United States.
With the constant surge in the population growth around the world, and with more advanced medicine widely available, the world’s centenarian population might reach one million within the next fifty years.
There is a very good chance that you or someone you know will reach this milestone.
Living to your 100th birthday might not be as easy as many people think. After all, there are a lot of pitfalls along the way in life.
Still, medical technology is so advanced that even though some people develop diabetes or heart disease, they still might reach 100 years old.
It has been generally assumed that living to 100 years of age was limited to those who had not developed chronic illness.
What does a 100th birthday really mean? I guess that would depend a lot on the centenarians that you asked. Generally speaking, most are blessed to have reached this magical number.
Turning 100 is the benchmark for an elite club of senior citizens. They usually receive extra attention from their family, friends, and even local media.
Reaching your 100th birthday is like breaking a sports record that has stood for decades. And although more seniors are passing this mark, it is still a remarkable feat in life, and you should be very happy and proud that you made it.
From many interviews with seniors over the years, there are some wise tips that tend to stand out and extend your life. Here are some of the top suggestions by centenarians to make it to your 100th birthday:
* Genes – If you have parents and grandparents that lived to be more than 100 years old, there is a good possibility that you might, too. Genes are just one of the factors to a longer life, but it doesn’t guarantee it.
However, genes can just as easily shorten lives. Women who have a family with a history of breast cancer might have higher risks of having it, too.
* Take Good Care of Your Health – Those who avoided smoking, obesity, inactivity, diabetes and high blood pressure greatly improved their chances of living into their 90s. In fact, they had a 54 percent chance of living that long.
If you don’t smoke, control your weight, eat healthy foods and exercise, you reduce your chances of high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Each element could increase your chances of a longer life.
In addition, you are less likely to develop these medical conditions later in life if you follow the same routines.
* Move Your Body – You can help increase your lifetime expectancy and reach your 100th birthday by putting on your shoes every day and walking around.
You need to continue to exercise your muscles and put in some type of cardiovascular workout to work your heart, too.
Many bodies become old and don’t function the way they used to because seniors develop a sedimentary lifestyle that begins to ruin their health.
* Proper Medical Attention – Regular checkups with your physician can help extend your life, too. Many centenarians have always trusted their doctors.
They have listened to their suggestions, and they have always returned for routine visits. Some people do not live as long because they have medical conditions that go undetected for long periods of time.
Many illnesses can be treated, and are best handled when they are detected early. You should continue with regular checkups and always see a doctor when something doesn’t feel right.
* Have Faith in God – Faith plays a part in many seniors’ lives. In addition to giving them hope about their future on earth and beyond, it also reduces stress and makes them happy.
There are many religions in the world, and most practitioners feel that their faith helps them to get through each day.
* Be Nice to Others – If you are religious or not, there is one thing that people can agree on. You should always be nice to others and treat them with respect. A happy life can also mean a longer life for some.
Thanks to Helen we got a rare glimpse into the life of a centurion – and what a life it is!!! What a 100th birthday really means to centenarians can be different to the lucky members of this group.
One thing is certain, if you take good care of your mind and body, there is a good chance that you might make it, too.