Feeling the warmth of the sun on the skin, hearing the sound of chirping birds, or breathing in fresh air is beneficial for all of us. Therefore, outdoor activities for seniors with dementia helps their mental and physical health.
Safety First
Your loved one’s safety should be your number one concern. Always ensure that you or someone else you trust is there to supervise any planned activities.
In warm climates, make sure that your loved one drinks enough water during hot temperatures. Dehydration and heat stroke can happen fairly quickly if seniors are not drinking enough water.
Check with a physician to make sure it is safe for your loved one to participate in the type of activities you have planned. Also, make sure they take any necessary prescribed medication with them.
Outdoor Activities for Seniors with Dementia
1. Animal Pet Farms – Pet companionship is important to young and old. We bond with pets much easier than people, and that doesn’t usually change as we age. Seniors with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia might be able to reduce anxiety, stress, and their blood pressure by petting different kinds of animals. It brings smiles and joy to the faces of many seniors. Although it might not be suitable for all seniors, many seem to enjoy it.
2. Arts and Crafts – Although, arts and crafts are usually practiced indoors, you can change the settings and move everything outside on pleasant days. You might use the backyard of your house, or you might decide to sit in a park or other location to enjoy the views and fresh air.
3. Fishing – Anyone who has been to a lake, river, pond, or creek (even the ocean) knows how relaxing it is to fish. Seniors can look at the beautiful scenery as they wait for a fish to get on their line. Fishing can rekindle memories of younger days when seniors remember fishing with their families.
4. Gardening – Gardening provides a little physical activity. It allows seniors with dementia to grow and eat their fruits and vegetables. Used raised beds, so seniors don’t have to bend over.
The beds should be narrow to prevent too much reaching, The pathway should be broad and clear of any debris. Make sure there are some benches and chairs available to sit and relax.
5. Photography – We often take photos of seniors to help remind us of their time with us. Photography can also play a significant role in outdoor activities for older adults with dementia. If you have a point-and-shoot digital camera, go to a lovely location and get you loved ones to take photos of anything that might interest them. You can then store the photos on a computer and show them at a later time. You can also print some of the photos and use them to decorate your loved one’s room.
6. Picnics and Cookouts – Picnics and barbecues always represent eating and having fun. Always include a few games where seniors can participate. Bring some music, because this is also a good time to get everyone dancing.
7. Walking – Walking is a problem when we get older. However, just because someone has Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia, it does not mean that they cannot go for walks.
If they are physically able to walk and agree to take a stroll, then get them to walk as regular as possible. Walking is good for the heart, and it reduces stress and anxiety in seniors.
Even if some seniors are physically disabled or have pain or difficulty walking, you can still assist them with a walker, wheelchair, or other movable devices. Although they might not be able to walk, they can still enjoy the benefits of being outdoors.
Knowing Which Activities are Best
When preparing outdoor activities for seniors with dementia, you need to know which activities are best for them. If you are caring for a family member, this might be easier to determine, because you know what they like to do. However, if you are new to caring for someone with dementia, here are some ideas.
• Learn Their History – You can learn a lot of important details from their family members or some seniors will tell you what they like to do, and what they did in the past.
• Look for Physical Signs – Are they engaging in activities? Are they smiling or laughing? Maybe they are trying to help others? These are all signs that they are probably interested.
Outdoor Activities for Seniors with Dementia – Conclusion
Physical activity for people age 65 and older has multiple health benefits. Combined with eating nutritious foods and participating in outdoor activities, it can help seniors with dementia reduce stress, and assist them to sleep better at night.
If you would like to know more about outdoor activities for older adults with dementia in the Denver area, you can contact us today. Or, if you are looking for senior housing placement near you, learn more about Our Stepping Stones program.