Living with Vascular Dementia in 2024

Vascular Dementia – Everything You Need to Know

What is vascular dementia? Vascular dementia affects millions and is the second-leading type of dementia after Alzheimer’s. Triggered by diminished blood supply to the brain, it causes a quick decline in thinking skills, differing from Alzheimer’s slower progression. Take the case of Mr. Johnson, a 78-year-old retired teacher. After suffering a minor stroke, his family noticed significant changes in his ability to plan, solve problems, and follow through with tasks—classic symptoms of vascular dementia.  Another…

Vascular Dementia

Vascular Dementia – Symptoms, Treatment, and Prognosis

  Vascular dementia is the second most common type of dementia after Alzheimer’s Disease. It afflicts up to 20 million people across the world at any one time, a figure that is expected to keep growing as the population ages. Like all age-related dementia, it involves the gradual degradation of mental faculties, and is rarely found in people under the age of 65, although early onset is distressingly possible.   Vascular Dementia Causes   The…