10 Ways That Dogs Help Seniors with Dementia

10 Ways That Dogs Help Seniors with Dementia

There are many ways that dogs help seniors with dementia at Applewood Our House. From providing companionship to encouraging physical activity, dogs offer numerous benefits that enhance the well-being of those living with dementia. 10 Ways That Dogs Help Seniors with Dementia Here are ten ways to leverage dogs’ senses and behaviors to enhance the lives of seniors: 1. Companionship – Dogs provide loyal companionship, which can help alleviate loneliness for seniors, especially those who…

Pet Therapy as a part of memory care activities

What Is Pet Therapy & How Does It Benefit Those With Dementia?

Pet therapy is a term used to describe the use of animal companionship for improving human health and well-being. Proponents of animal-assisted therapy believe that interactions with pets can have positive effects on people with a wide range of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health conditions. Caregivers widely use pet therapy in assisted living care, nursing homes and hospitals. Many health professionals suggest pet therapy as an effective treatment for people who have dementia. Studies…