Coping with Dementia – 7 Ways to Deal with Dementia in Seniors

  Coping with dementia can test your nerves and will. This is true for patients, residents, and caregivers. Days turn into weeks, and months become years. It is overwhelming for many, but there are still ways to deal with it. As lifespans increase, so do dementia rates. And yet researchers are making great strides in understanding and treating this disorder. A medical revolution is underway with stem cell research, medical nanotechnology, and many other new…

Alzheimer’s Disease and One Family’s Story

My John and our years in Alzheimer’s disease. Some have thought John was my dad. The daughters have been asked if he is their grampa. Once John said to me, “Get out of my way old lady.” I told him he shouldn’t go there…He does look older after six years of the disease, white hair, thin, head down, but then he sees someone, his eyes open wide, a slight smile, then it’s gone. I always…