Questions to Ask Assisted Living Facilities

25 Questions to Ask Assisted Living Facilities in 2022

What are the most important questions to ask assisted living facilities in 2022? And, how will the move affect your loved one and your family over the next year or two? Does your aging loved one require assistance with daily living? Perhaps you’re looking to transition them from a hospital to an assisted living facility. One of the most important things that you have to do is start researching. You want to find a facility…

Moving to an assisted living facility

Tips for Persuading a Parent to Move to an Assisted Living Facility

Getting a parent to move to an assisted living facility is generally not an easy task. Naturally, people want to stay in their homes as long as they can, so your mother or father is not likely going to be happy with the idea of going to what they like perceive as an “old folk’s home.” However, there are a few tips to keep in mind that may make the idea of living in a…