A Family’s Guide to Alzheimer’s and Dementia Our Guide is intended for anyone who would like to learn more about this disease and related diseases. As well as people diagnosed with dementia. At Applewood Our House we understand that there are few conditions upon first diagnosis that strike such terror into loved ones and relatives as Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. The diagnosis can provoke feelings of helplessness and despair, coupled with fear that your loved
By Elizabeth George “Thirty seconds is a long time when you’re on the high side of high-intensity interval training. Thirty seconds is a very long time when you’re enduring pain. And, 30 seconds can feel like an eternity when your baby is screaming on a crowded airplane. But it’s not a long time for a caregiver to enter a room in which a memory care resident is relaxed in a recliner, gather her clothing from
From our vision in 2010 we feel very fortunate to have cared for many elders during this time. Growing from 1 Home in 2010 to 5 by 2020. Our Care Team is full of hugs and care and love our residents until the end. See our 10 years of service in our 5 homes… View our Decade of Applewood Our House Thank you to so many of our families, community providers, residents and Care professionals
Providing excellent dental care is a vital component for optimum health, and for this reason, keeping seniors teeth clean and healthy is a necessity. Growing old does not mean that your teeth should automatically fall out! Dental care involves not only taking care of your teeth but also your gums and other areas inside your mouth. Any place inside your mouth where bacteria can thrive, will eventually affect your teeth. 7 Ways for Seniors to
The holidays present a great chance for you to visit with senior loved ones that you may not have been able to spend a lot of quality time with for a while. It can also be a perfect time to be sure that your senior loved one’s holiday is safe on top of being festive. Whether your older loved one is spending the season in your home or his or her own, following these home
What you eat and how much you eat are critical when it comes to your eating behavior and controlling your weight – but who you eat with is a factor too. There are lots of subtle influences you may that alter how much you eat at a meal and one of those is the company you keep while dining. We Mirror the Eating Behavior of Our Dining Companions If you’re trying to control your weight,