5 Simple Steps to How Seniors Can Boost Their Immune Systems

5 Simple Steps to How Seniors Can Boost Their Immune Systems

When she first heard the warning, it was a routine doctor’s visit for 72-year-old Margaret Lewis. Her immune system, her doctor explained, wasn’t bouncing back as it used to after a recent cold. It wasn’t just a personal concern—it was a wake-up call. For seniors like Margaret, immune health is not just about avoiding sniffles; it’s about preserving independence and vitality. Maintaining a resilient immune system can be a literal lifeline in a world where…

Qunoa for Seniors

Quinoa for Seniors – Amazingly Healthful Grain for the Elderly

Quinoa for seniors makes a delicious and healthy meal in many countries. Quinoa is a new food item on the American market that is enjoying increasing popularity. Pronounced “keen-wah,” this grain comes from the Andean regions of South America, where it was first cultivated and eaten by the Incas more than 5000 years ago. It is a species of goosefoot that produces edible seeds. Known officially as a pseudo-grain, it is related to spinach, beets and…

Delicious and Healthy Meals for Seniors

Meals for Seniors – How to Serve Delicious and Healthy Meals to Assisted Living Residents

There are many nutritious meals for seniors. Eating healthy, delicious meals is a critical part of daily life for seniors, especially those living in assisted living facilities. As seniors age, their nutritional needs change and they require food that provides adequate nutrition to support their health and quality of life. However, planning and preparing nutritious meals tailored for seniors can be challenging. This article provides tips and guidelines for serving tasty, nourishing meals to seniors…

Making-Physical Health Accessible to Seniors

Eldercise – Making Physical Health Accessible to the Elderly

We often overlook physical health for seniors. We must continue making physical health accessible to the elderly so they can remain independent and active as long as possible. Everyone has heard “a body in motion stays in motion” when referring to physical health. However, aging often brings obstacles that impede our ability to maintain our strength, balance, and coordination. Whether you’ve had a recent injury or have just found yourself inactive, maintaining physical health is…

Health Benefits of Being Outdoor for Seniors

17 Health Benefits of Being Outdoors for Seniors

When you think of being outdoors, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Maybe you imagine being in a park, getting some fresh air, or being on vacation. However, some people don’t think about the health benefits of being outside for seniors. The outdoors are being called “the new seniors’ gym” by researchers. Spending more time outside not only helps senior health – it may even be the key to a long life!…

Treating Dementia at Applewood Our House

Part 8 – Treating Dementia and Conclusion – Guide by Applewood Our House Assisted Living Memory Care

Treating Dementia There is no cure for Dementia, but there are several prescription medications that have been proven to be very effective during the early stages of Dementia.  The type of medication a doctor will prescribe will most importantly depend on the specific needs of the individual, also taking into consideration potential side effects, how easy it is to administer and of course, with today’s economy, cost is also a deciding factor. The following drugs…