Alzheimer’s Care-giving: Is it Time to Ask for Help?

Alzheimer’s Care-giving: Is it Time to Ask for Help? Alzheimer’s care-giving is tough for anyone who attempts it. You must learn to be true to the person you are caring for, and you must be true to yourself. There might come a time when the caring that you provide is just not enough. You should never feel too proud to ask for some additional assistance. The question is when is it time to ask for…

6 Caregiving Tips When Traveling with the Elderly – How to Make Their Trip Safe and Enjoyable

Traveling with the elderly requires special medical needs and some extra planning to make the time safe. If you leave unprepared, you might spend the majority of your time feeling stressed and rushed from one place to another. If you follow some of the tips in this article, your trip should be more enjoyable, and you should be able to relax more during your time away from home. 6 Caregiving Tips When Traveling with the…

Senior Living – Make Your Home Look Less Like a Hospital

When it comes to senior living, you should make your home look less like a hospital. If you asked someone to visualize any home with a senior that someone was helping take care of, they would probably think of medicine, bed pans, and unpleasant smell. Now, if you don’t think that relates to a hospital, then what does? Start by always keeping your home smelling nice and clean. Use disinfectants the keep your home sanitized, but…

11 Signs It's Time for Assisted Living

  In this article, we will discuss 11 signs it’s time for assisted living for your loved one. When you are taking care of a family, there might come a time when you need a helping hand. Caring can become a full time job, and the mental and physical responsibilities can become overbearing. In addition, you also need to think about senior’s safety, and ask yourself if they are getting the proper medical care that…

Friends at Applewood Our House

I wanted to say thank you so much for taking such wonderful care of my dad, Dwayne.  I still remember meeting Cheryl  for the first time and sitting on the bench to explain our family story.  I knew immediately that Applewood was the place for him.  It was a difficult transition for him and me, but I knew he was in the best possible place.  Your staff was so caring and compassionate. They treated him…