The Rising Dementia Risks in the U.S. and What You Can Do

The Rising Dementia Risks in the U.S. and What You Can Do

This article is about the rising dementia risks in the U.S., according to recent studies. Think about the last time you shared a family story—the laughter, emotions, and sense of connection. Now imagine a future where those memories slip away, one by one. For many families in the U.S., this isn’t a distant worry—it’s their current reality. Dementia is no longer rare; it’s becoming a growing challenge as our population ages. A major report from…

The Link Between Sleep and Dementia

Unraveling the Link Between Sleep and Dementia

It’s a question that haunts many families: Could restless nights and poor sleep set the stage for dementia? As more loved ones are diagnosed with memory loss, the urgency to understand this connection grows.  Dementia, a broad term for conditions affecting memory, thinking, and social abilities, is not just a consequence of aging. Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, and Lewy body dementia are some of its most common forms, and they’re affecting millions worldwide. But as…

15 Myths About Dementia That Some People Still Believe

15 Myths About Dementia That Some People Still Believe

Myths about dementia spread on social media and other parts of the Internet, and it can be damaging. It’s one of those topics that people think they understand, but the truth is that some are completely wrong. These myths don’t just misinform—they delay action, misguide families, and create unnecessary fear. With 2025 around the corner, we’re still fighting the same misinformation. If you don’t understand dementia, you can’t effectively help those living with it—or prepare…

Always Feeling Sleepy During the Day Could be a Sign of Dementia

Always Feeling Sleepy During the Day Could be a Sign of Dementia

The latest research shows that feeling sleepy during the day could be a sign of dementia or other cognitive decline in seniors. You’re treating your car better than your brain right now. You’re obsessing over oil changes and tire rotations while ignoring the blaring warning signs coming from the most sophisticated piece of machinery you’ll ever own – your brain. And here’s what will shake you: That afternoon sleepiness you’re brushing off as “just being…

The Link Between Falls and Dementia Risk in Older Adults

The Hidden Link Between Falls and Dementia Risk in Older Adults

There is a link between falls and dementia risk that some doctors believe we might overlook. As your parents or grandparents age, you may worry about their physical safety – especially the risk of falls. But recent research suggests that falls in older adults could be more than just a physical danger. They may also signal an increased risk of dementia down the road. If you have a loved one over 65, understanding this connection…

7 Steps to Keep Dementia Away in Your Elderly Loved Ones Through Exercise

Ways to Keep Dementia Away in Your Elderly Loved Ones Through Exercise

Turning regular physical activity into a daily routine, can help keep dementia away in your elderly loved ones through exercise, Have you ever felt that foggy feeling creep into your mind, making it harder to remember where you left your keys or the name of that movie you watched last week? It can leave us feeling frustrated and even a little scared. But what if I told you that the key to unlocking a sharper,…