Loss of Appetite in Seniors

Loss of Appetite in Seniors – How it Relates to Illness

There are many reasons for the loss of appetite in seniors. Appetite is considered an essential indicator of health. When we get sick, we often lose our appetite. This is a normal reaction to illness that occurs on both the conscious and subconscious levels. We do this to raise our immune system to fight infection and disease. Loss of appetite is one of the most common symptoms of illness in the elderly. If a senior…

Get Some Respite Care for Yourself

Use Respite Care Services When You are Struggling to Cope

Respite care services offer relief for the millions of people around the United States who care for family members. When caring for seniors with Alzheimer’s or anyone else who has other forms of dementia, it is an enormous relief when caregivers get some free time for themselves. It’s estimated that roughly 66% of Alzheimer’s and dementia patients are taken care of at home. Family members suffer not only psychologically but also suffer physically. It’s tough…

10 Tips on Helping Seniors with Dementia During the Christmas Holidays

10 Tips on Helping Seniors with Dementia During the Christmas Holidays

Helping seniors with dementia during the Christmas holidays can be a challenge. It can be very stressful for the family members. Having a caring and knowledgeable person to help ease the tension during the Christmas holiday season is a real need for many seniors with dementia.   10 Tips on Helping Seniors with Dementia During the Christmas Holidays Many older adults can have Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia, which can sometimes affect them…

Alzheimer's and Dementia - 15 Popular Questions

Alzheimer’s and Dementia – 15 Popular Questions Answered

The terms Alzheimer’s and dementia are often interchanged and mistaken. According to the World Health Organization, Over 55 million people around the world have dementia. Over six million Americans have the disease.  The odds are that you know someone with dementia. If you’re a caregiver, chances are higher. That’s not to say that you’re alone, though; there’s a large community of caregivers who share your worry and care for loved ones with Alzheimer’s and other…

Questions to Ask Assisted Living Facilities

25 Questions to Ask Assisted Living Facilities in 2022

What are the most important questions to ask assisted living facilities in 2022? And, how will the move affect your loved one and your family over the next year or two? Does your aging loved one require assistance with daily living? Perhaps you’re looking to transition them from a hospital to an assisted living facility. One of the most important things that you have to do is start researching. You want to find a facility…

Innovations for Seniors – Advanced Technology for the Elderly (2)

Innovations for Seniors – Advanced Technology for the Elderly

Innovations for seniors can help families or caregivers struggling with providing care for aging loved ones. The best care for your loved ones starts with you. You want to make sure that they are happy and healthy, but sometimes it’s hard to know what changes need to happen in their lives. With aging, tasks that used to be mindless and straightforward can become extremely difficult, especially when accompanied by an age-related disease like Parkinson’s or…