Music Therapy for Seniors

Music Therapy is Helping People with Alzheimer's and Dementia

  Music therapy is helping seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia every day. No one knows the origin of music, but it is believed to have existed before documented history. Historians believe it began from the noise of thunder, or the rhythm of a flowing stream. Human music might have started with primitive males attempting to simulate these noises by repeating the sounds and tonality. Even at present, distinct cultures make use of music that mimics…

Music Therapy for Seniors with Alzheimer's – Donate if you can to our cause for the Elders

Music therapy for seniors with Alzheimer’s is possible with a device such as an iPad. Hi, we are working on helping all of our residents have a personal playlist on an iPod with their favorite music to listen to. I sent out an email last night with a YouTube video:     This is the shorter version asking for any help getting old iPods to help us with any headsets like you see on the…