Family Members Often See First Signs of Dementia

Family Members Often See First Signs of Dementia

It’s true that family members often see first signs of dementia, long before a doctor makes a diagnosis. There are the moments before the doctor confirms it, before the tests and brain scans, before the word itself is ever said aloud. Small, almost forgettable. A father who suddenly forgets how to use the coffee maker he’s owned for twenty years. A mother who drives to the store comes home without the milk she left to…

5 Signs of Alzheimer’s That Sometimes Show up Before Memory Loss

Seniors and Dementia – 5 Signs of Alzheimer’s That Sometimes Show up Before Memory Loss

By the time most senior citizens start showing signs of Alzheimer’s disease, it has moved to a stage where there is irreversible damage. That is why it is important to know the signs of Alzheimer’s that sometimes show up before memory loss, because the sooner it is detected, the faster doctors can figure out a way to begin fighting it. Scientists have not found a cure for Alzheimer’s disease. However, they do know that if…