25 Lesser-Known Types of Dementia You Might Not Know About

25 Lesser-Known Types of Dementia You Might Not Know About

Let’s talk about 25 lesser-known types of dementia you might not know about. While Alzheimer’s disease accounts for most dementia diagnoses in America, doctors are identifying more patients with uncommon variants – forms of the disease that often go unrecognized in family clinics across the country. Dementia Beyond Alzheimer’s Disease The grocery store was a five-minute drive from Margaret Thompson’s house. After 40 years, she could make every turn in her sleep – past Ace…

Part 4 – Types of Dementia, Explained – Guide by Applewood Our House Assisted Living Memory Care

Vascular Dementia With Alzheimer’s being the number one cause of dementia, vascular dementia is a close second.  The word “vascular” refers to your body’s blood vessels and Vascular Dementia is caused by a low supply of blood traveling to your brain.  This limited blood supply is caused by the arteries being too narrow to carry a sufficient blood supply or there is a complete blockage of the artery. Due to several mini strokes (also known…