Dementia Care News – Robotic Pets – Smiles – Police Training

  There’s a lot going on in dementia care news. We’re going to discuss robotic pets, a volunteer who gives smiles, and police receiving dementia training.   Robotic Pets   High quality dementia care in assisted living facilities is always focused on providing for the needs of residents. Sometimes, it is very challenging, because some residents cannot express what they want. Pet therapy is known to help keep residents calm and it allows them to…

Activities at Applewood Our House

Senior Care – 7 Services Most Seniors Will Eventually Need

  For professional senior care, you require a reliable, experienced, and dedicated service for the elderly. There are In-home services for seniors who want to remain at home, up to nursing homes for those who require 24-7 care. When the time comes for a senior to need additional care services in their home or an assisted living community, you will have the option of hiring a senior home care agency to provide the services or…

Vascular Dementia Treatment Can Slow Down Illness

Vascular Dementia Treatment Can Slow Down Illness and Stop Further Damage

Vascular Dementia treatment may help decrease the progression of the disease. In some cases, it can help eliminate additional damage to the brain. Thеrе аrе several kinds оf blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen tо the brain, and help it function properly. Thіѕ condition occurs when ѕоmе, оf these blood vessels аrе impaired. Thеѕе blood vessels mау bе completely blocked, оr they mау become compressed. People оvеr the age оf 65 аrе known tо bе more vulnerable tо develop this condition. Thеrе…

Best Dementia Care in Denver

Best Dementia Care in Denver – Becoming a Caregiver – Dorothy’s 80th Birthday

The best dementia care in Denver, probably looks a lot like quality care given across the United States. It’s about individuals, small groups, or organizations providing caregivers who want to do their very best to help seniors in need. Becoming a Caregiver When you become a caregiver for a family member, everything changes. You will need to alter your schedule to meet the demands of your loved one. There will be days of laughter and…

Looking for Signs of Dementia

Alzheimer’s and Dementia – Knowing the Facts vs. the Myths

Did you know that 50 to 80 percent of dementia patients suffer from Alzheimer’s disease? Alzheimer’s affects a person’s ability to think clearly and remember how to do daily tasks, and it can change the person’s behavior; such as increased depression, withdrawal from social activities and cases of paranoia. The Alzheimer’s Association is a trusted and reliable source of up to date information; education for caregivers and support for the entire family. Research is continuous,…

Treating Dementia at Applewood Our House

Lewy Body Dementia – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Lewy Body Dementia (LBD), also known as Dementia with Lewy Bodies is one of the commonest forms of dementia. It is caused by deposits of abnormal proteins in the brain cells of the patient. These abnormal proteins, called Lewy Bodies disrupt the normal functioning of the brain and result in a range of physical, psychological and neurological problems. Diagnosis and Symptoms Diagnosis of Lewy Body Dementia can be difficult since it shares symptoms with many…