Bus Outing with Applewood Our House Assisted Living Memory Care Homes

Applewood Our House Assisted Living Memory Care Homes – Going Out and About in 2021

We have amazing caregivers at our assisted living memory care homes. They provide around-the-clock care for our lovely residents. As we move into our “new” daily lives, our purpose becomes at the front of all our minds and our daily decisions. Together, we create special moments for our residents and loving memories for our families. We are excited to bring the moments back into our residents’ lives and include the families as much as possible…

How We Have Fun at Applewood Our House in Memory Care

Memory care activities allow residents to interact as a part of our community. We enjoy various ways to make life fun, from gardening to dancing that keeps us all moving our bodies. Gardening: Every spring we start the seedlings and enjoy the benefits of our hard work in the summer. The residents love watching our gardens grow and watering them. Dance and playing music: A little Karaoke goes a long way. Sit and be fit:…

Applewood Our House Resident Receiving COVID Vaccination

How Applewood Our House Navigated Through 2020

Applewood Our House made many adjustments in 2020. It seemed that each day was the new normal of everyday life throughout the year. As 2019 turned into 2020, all seemed well as we were moving into a year of stability and balance. That was our goal. We planned to continue to improve the lives of our residents with an incredible engagement program, include our families in many fun activities, and make Applewood Our House the…

Senior Caregivers

Why I Love Caregiving – It’s My Calling

Some people wonder why I love caregiving. Yes, it can be mentally and physically challenging. But for me, it means so much more. Caregiving to another human being is a gift and a privilege. I don’t just get paid to “wipe bottoms”… I kiss your mom on the forehead and say, “I love you, good night,” every night when I help her to bed. I tell her that I hope she has sweet dreams and…

Caregiver at Applewood Our House

An Open Letter from a Ten Year Dementia Caregiver

As I begin to write this letter I am feeling the consequences of being a ten year dementia caregiver. I often think about the fact that it is never going to get better. My happiness now depends upon whether or not my husband smiles or doesn’t smile. When I first awaken him while sleeping in his chair, if he smiles, I know it is a good day. If he doesn’t smile, and has trouble getting…

Applewood Our House Getting The COVID-19 Vaccine

January 15, 2021 Getting the COVID-19 vaccine is an essential step to getting back to normal. Even though the world is in the midst of the COVID pandemic, there are still Denver-area families that need help with their family members who have dementia and other memory needs. All five of Applewood Our House Assisted Living Memory Care group homes have been able to stay open and safely care for their residents since the pandemic started.…