Music Therapy for Dementia

Music Therapy is Helping People with Alzheimer's and Dementia

Music therapy is helping seniors with Alzheimer’s and dementia every day. No one knows the origin of music, but it is believed to have existed before documented history. Historians believe it began from the noise of thunder, or the rhythm of a flowing stream. Human music might have started with primitive males attempting to simulate these noises by repeating the sounds and tonality. Even at present, distinct cultures make use of music that mimics natural…

Caring for the Elderly

Caring for Elderly Parents – 14 Ideas for Senior Caregivers

Caring for Elderly Parents is an enormous responsibility. During the best of times, it requires a lot of time, patience, and understanding. Are you up for the task? As the average life expectancy of Americans tops 78 years, Baby Boomers (those born between and including 1946 and 1964) have taken on another responsibility: that of caregivers for their elderly parents. This phenomenon of “the child becoming the parent” has left many scared, frustrated, and isolated,…

Dementia Care News – Robotic Pets – Smiles – Police Training

  There’s a lot going on in dementia care news. We’re going to discuss robotic pets, a volunteer who gives smiles, and police receiving dementia training.   Robotic Pets   High quality dementia care in assisted living facilities is always focused on providing for the needs of residents. Sometimes, it is very challenging, because some residents cannot express what they want. Pet therapy is known to help keep residents calm and it allows them to…

Memory Care Lakewood Colorado

Memory Care Facilities in Denver – Top 10 Features to Look for in a Memory Care Facility

Memory care facilities in Denver are places that are specialized in treating people who have dementia and other kinds of cognitive disorders. With the number of people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease rising every year, memory care facilities have helped ease the burden of care for many families. This type of senior living provides specialized, long-term care for seniors with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. When seeking a senior memory care facility for a loved one,…

Senior Living Advisors – 7 Questions to Ask Before You Sign a Contract

  Senior living advisors are available to help families find the best care for senior family members. Whether they remain at home and need assistance, or if you require an assisted living care facility, a senior community center, or a nursing home. There are times in people’s lives that no one should have to tough it alone. During these precious moments, we should show kindness and compassion. Serving a senior loved one should be an…