Medical Services for Seniors

Free or Discounted Medical Services for Seniors

Free or discounted medical services for seniors can come in handy. It might be the difference between your elderly loved one getting help, or the possibility of not being able to afford the treatment that they need, The cost of medical bills and prescriptions skyrocket every year. If you don’t have insurance or are underinsured you can quickly rack up medical expenses that you have no way to pay. There are a lot of options…

How a Vegetarian Diet Can Fight Against Diabetes

Vegetarianism – How a Vegetarian Diet Can Fight Against Diabetes

Vegetarianism has become an increasingly popular lifestyle choice. Whether you don’t want to promote animal cruelty or simply don’t like meat, you may be thinking about going on a vegetarian diet. If you have diabetes, the good news is that vegetarian diets are actually highly recommended for managing your condition. Here’s what all diabetics should know about the benefits of a vegetarian diet.   Increased Fiber Intake   Vegetarians tend to consume higher amounts of…

Smptoms of Malaria in Seniors

Senior Health – Symptoms of Malaria in Seniors

You need to know the symptoms of malaria in seniors if you plan to travel with them to some destinations in the world. The reality is that seniors are not immune to malaria. They could visit one of these places, and get the disease, just like everyone else. It is very common for people to be bitten by mosquitoes that have malaria. Therefore seniors need to use precautions, but there’s no guarantee they can protect…

Senior Health – Healthy Living Can Slow Cellular Signs of Aging

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] The goal of healthy living is what many Americans strive for, but only some can maintain. Without good health, we can never accomplish our aspirations in life. Once we become seniors, staying healthy is more about having a great physique. Instead, it’s about adding some extra years to our lives. According to a July 29th report in Molecular Psychology, a group of post-menopausal women were tested to see if healthier living produced less…

High Elevation Research

7 Ways to Turn Around Negative Thinking in the Elderly

Negative thinking is the state of mind in which seniors anticipate undesirable outcomes, or believe that hardships and evils outweigh the good. This type of thinking is one that does not benefit them and usually has a negative impact on their lives contributing to stress, depression and anxiety. This thinking has the following effects: 1. It will often work against the elderly and makes them not achieve what they want 2. It makes them feel…

How to Die Well

How to Die Well – 7 Real Life Tips to a Good Death

Knowing how to die well is a subject that is often brought up near the end of a seniors lives. We spend much time thinking and planning on how to live, but we often leave out another important part of life cycle. Dying. 7 Tips on How to Die Well If you’re like most Americans, you want the best end of life choices for your elderly loved ones. Unfortunately, many don’t plan or prepare for…