Vascular Dementia

Vascular Dementia – Symptoms, Treatment, and Prognosis

  Vascular dementia is the second most common type of dementia after Alzheimer’s Disease. It afflicts up to 20 million people across the world at any one time, a figure that is expected to keep growing as the population ages. Like all age-related dementia, it involves the gradual degradation of mental faculties, and is rarely found in people under the age of 65, although early onset is distressingly possible.   Vascular Dementia Causes   The…

Dementia Care News – Robotic Pets – Smiles – Police Training

  There’s a lot going on in dementia care news. We’re going to discuss robotic pets, a volunteer who gives smiles, and police receiving dementia training.   Robotic Pets   High quality dementia care in assisted living facilities is always focused on providing for the needs of residents. Sometimes, it is very challenging, because some residents cannot express what they want. Pet therapy is known to help keep residents calm and it allows them to…

Helping Seniors with Dementia

Helping Seniors with Dementia – 5 Tips for Family Caregivers

Helping seniors with dementia can become a full-time job for family members. When that happens, it will require a lot of organization, loving care, and patience. It is a sad fact of life that seniors are likely to be affected by Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia at some stage during their retirement. When they do, they are going to usually depend on some of the same people they have cared for most of their…

7 Ways to Deal with Dementia in Seniors

Coping with Dementia – 7 Ways to Deal with Dementia in Seniors

  Coping with dementia can test your nerves and will. This is true for patients, residents, and caregivers. Days turn into weeks, and months become years. It is overwhelming for many, but there are still ways to deal with it. As lifespans increase, so do dementia rates. And yet researchers are making great strides in understanding and treating this disorder. A medical revolution is underway with stem cell research, medical nanotechnology, and many other new…

Vascular Dementia Treatment Can Slow Down Illness

Vascular Dementia Treatment Can Slow Down Illness and Stop Further Damage

Vascular Dementia treatment may help decrease the progression of the disease. In some cases, it can help eliminate additional damage to the brain. Thеrе аrе several kinds оf blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen tо the brain, and help it function properly. Thіѕ condition occurs when ѕоmе, оf these blood vessels аrе impaired. Thеѕе blood vessels mау bе completely blocked, оr they mау become compressed. People оvеr the age оf 65 аrе known tо bе more vulnerable tо develop this condition. Thеrе…