Part 3 – Alzheimer’s Disease – Guide by Applewood Our House Assisted Living Memory Care

Alzheimer’s Disease In 1906, Dr. Alois Alzheimer first noticed and described the change that happens in the brain.  He found amyloid plaques (basically abnormal clumps) and bundles of fibers that were tangled in clusters (now referred to as Neurofibrillary Tangles).  This is now the mapped pattern in the brain that all Alzheimer patients go through. It is not known how Alzheimer’s disease begins; but it is known that damage in the brain can begin 10…

Cognitive Dysfunction and Your Dog

Cognitive Dysfunction in Dogs – Symptoms are Common with Alzheimer’s Disease

Cognitive dysfunction in dogs are real. As veterinary medicine improves so pets are living longer and many dogs now live well into their teens. However, with increased age comes a greater chance of acquiring cognitive dysfunction. To a large extent the words “cognitive dysfunction” are interchangeable with “senility” and the symptoms have a lot in common with Alzheimer’s disease. Does My Dog have Cognitive Dysfunction? Around 50% of dogs over the age of 10-years old…

How a Lack of Sleep May Cause Alzheimer's Disease

How a Lack of Sleep May Cause Alzheimer's Disease

There is scientific evidence that a lack of sleep may cause Alzheimer’s disease. Sleep is a natural part of human biological processes, but many people find that getting a good night’s sleep is a challenge in today’s hectic world. Juggling schedules, working late into the evening, and surrendering to the lure of internet communications can conspire to prevent relaxation necessary for normal sleep cycles. Chronic lack of proper sleep can lead to a broad range…

Personalized Care for Alzheimer's Disease

Understanding the Stages of Alzheimer's Disease

The Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease There are different stages of Alzheimer’s disease. It is important for families to understand the symptoms to get early treatment. It takes time for doctors to make the right diagnosis. If someone you know or love has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, you’ll need to understand how the disease advances over time. Alzheimer’s is a progressive brain disease which causes gradual impairment of the patient’s memory and ability to think.…

Looking for Signs of Dementia

Alzheimer’s and Dementia – Knowing the Facts vs. the Myths

Did you know that 50 to 80 percent of dementia patients suffer from Alzheimer’s disease? Alzheimer’s affects a person’s ability to think clearly and remember how to do daily tasks, and it can change the person’s behavior; such as increased depression, withdrawal from social activities and cases of paranoia. The Alzheimer’s Association is a trusted and reliable source of up to date information; education for caregivers and support for the entire family. Research is continuous,…

Senior Caregivers

Coping With Caregiver Grief and Alzheimer’s Disease

Coping with caregiver grief is something that most people will deal with when their loved ones have Alzheimer’s disease or any other type of dementia. How will it feel when the person you have loved so many years is no longer the same? What will you do when it seems like you are talking to a stranger, and that person no longer recognizes who you are? Anyone with Alzheimer’s suffers in silence. Yet, caregivers can…