
Billy’s Journey The Clark Boys New Jersey wasn’t easy for the Clark boys. Impoverished and unprepared for parenthood, their mom and dad’s relationship seemed to be centered around a cycle of anger abuse, and neglect. As the years went by and the family slowly dissolved, some grown-up faces changed. But, the abuse and pain only escalated. Through it all, the three little brothers knew little else, but they stuck together and always had each other.…

How Do You Talk to Your Child about Alzheimer's

How Do You Talk to Your Child about Alzheimer's

  Many adults would like to know how do you talk to your child about Alzheimer’s?At any age, children can sense discord and stress in their environment, so it’s important to address any concerns before kids make erroneous assumptions.The conversation will differ depending on the child’s age. For younger children, you don’t necessarily need to use the term Alzheimer’s disease. Instead, talk about how the child’s loved one is sick, will have trouble remembering things…